I think that writing can be a powerful instrument, and these tales could help create a more accepting culture for LGBTQ+ individuals. These gay fiction books could teach people that, despite possible variations, the love in these partnerships is the same as love in any other relationship.
Although there are regrettably a lot of homophobic ideas and viewpoints in society, reading inclusive literature could assist many people in seeing the beauty of love for homosexuals, bisexuals, and other people.
It alleviates feelings of isolation. Since their experiences differ from those of their straight friends, many LGBTQ+ youth may feel alone, yet identifying with characters could help them feel like they belong.
It informs them that other young people are sharing their self-discovery journeys and finding a place in these stories as well. Finding yourself in LGBTQ fiction books could provide LGBTQ+ youth with a comparable area where they feel accepted, especially if they are scared to seek support organisations for fear of their sexuality being unintentionally revealed.
Regardless of sexual orientation, we should strive to make young people feel safe, but rather than acting as though everything is ideal, we must face the issues.
Our goal as authors is to produce tales that readers will find compelling and believable. It is inaccurate not to include LGBTQ+ persons because they are present everywhere, whether they are working with you, sitting next to you in class, or passing you in the street. They're people, after all! It would also be incorrect to deny the existence of homophobia. Sadly, discrimination still occurs and has a serious negative influence on countless individuals every day. Gay fiction books give these individuals a safe space to feel like they belong to a community. This is an invaluable experience.
We should tell our stories to everyone! We should let our stories be accessible to all young people, regardless of whether your protagonist is falling in love, has two parents, or comes out to another character. This is one of the many reasons why I started this website. You can browse through this website and get a book that you'd love to read.
The sensation of representation can be so gratifying, eliciting emotions of happiness and acceptance. Every experience ought to be faithfully portrayed, and I give my best to do that. Everybody has the right to have their favourite LGBTQ fiction books reflect their affection.
Check out Julian Black’s website for more about these books.