Are You Looking For Lgbtq Books For Young Adults? Your Search Ends Here!
Welcome to the official website of Julian Black, an author dedicated to crafting compelling LGBTQ books for young adults. Julian's narratives delve into themes of fear, suppression, sexuality, family, rage, and torment, reflecting his personal journey and resonating with readers seeking authentic stories.
Growing up in a working-class family was very challenging, as Julian experienced early responsibilities, social anxiety, and the inability to accept his sexuality. Such experiences have really shaped his writing to bring forth characters and plots that mirror real-life complexities.
Julian's works help people dealing with similar issues feel comforted and understood, as they will have a sense of belonging and hope. Through sharing his stories, he hopes to add to the greater landscape of LGBTQ young adult books, where readers can grow in empathy and acceptance.
Discover Julian Black's collection of LGBTQ books for young adults today and venture into stories that will challenge, inspire, and celebrate the richly diverse experiences of LGBTQ youth.
Have you got your hands on the latest LGBTQ fiction book by Julian Black yet? His latest releases include “I Was Screaming Inside But Nobody Could Hear Me…Now the World Listens” and “Nicky - A Bit of a Wet Rag: What Goes On Behind the Curtain of a Closet Homosexual.”
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Where does Homosexuality come from? Me and my Ghost
Two short stories in one book with a mixture of time travel talking animals, Cavemen, Prehistoric Dinosaurs, and a scientist as your guide. We then move on to a story of gay love and two young men who are besotted with each other until one dies and the grief suffered by the other. He returns home
Nicky A bit of a wet rag - What goes on behind the curtain of a closet Homosexual
Nicky - A bit of a wet rag is a completely different version of the original A secret gay passion, In this version the story goes much deeper into Nickys Inner convictions and demons about coming to terms with his sexuality and finding himself through an extremely painful and fearful journey.
This version or account of Nicky's story hits the bottom of the ocean on the subject of closets and their terrifying and negative effects on the mind and body.
In the original, a secret gay passion Nicky came out via external factors ( his boyfriend Richard ) at a young age, in this version he comes out by his own Internal strength, and from a young boy to a fully grown man it shows utter determination and fighting spirit to finding his true self.
A story that many people both gay and straight will find hard to believe especially in the 21st century but a story that shows and proves what the other half of humanity go through and proves how very different we all are.
An inspirational story of courage and pure determination from the point of view of a guy who found human life extremely difficult but survived it!
You will not find a better or deeper book than this on the subject of what happens to you if you feel you have to go into the closet and the symptoms and effects closely on the human mind and body.
Going back twenty-five years with a paranormal twist
Imagine not having confidence or self-esteem or any self-worth and coming from a dysfunctional family and on top of this confusion of one's sexuality, a pretty fearful life wouldn't you say. Imagine being able to go back through time and changing all of this and liberating yourself with fun.
Black, Julian
AuthorHouse (88 pp.)
$15.24 paperback, $7.61 e-book
ISBN: 978-1456782917; December 16, 2011
"A young man comes out to an unsympathetic world in this debut novel couched in erotica......."
A perspective on gay life and love that leaves much to be desired.
A Secret Gay Passion: A Short Gay Erotic Love Story
Julian Black
AuthorHouse (Dec 16, 2011)
$15.24 (88pp)
"A Secret Gay Passion is a love affair liberally infused with intense gay sexual experiences. While delving further into
Nicky’s reluctance to “come out” would have enhanced the book, readers will find that this story does offer an
opportunity to experience one young man’s painful journey."
LYNN EVARTS (November 28, 2012)